
The facts…


Twenty something years old. A lover of all things old, Yorkshire tea and anything made out of cheese. Currently going through topical steroid withdrawal and shall be sharing my journey with laughter and tears along the way. ❤

I want this to be a place where we can learn, gain tips, share experiences and support each other. Friends and family will always be there but sometimes it takes a fellow eczema sufferer to truly understand. So, that’s what I’m here for, I’m here for those 2am scratching fests and those tears before having to venture out in public or go to work, and just simply for those quiet moments when you just need a little support to put a smile on your face. You can’t tell how much suffering is on a face that is always smiling.  😀

Well,  I suppose I should explain who I am and why I feel the need to do this.

My name is Amy-Louise but I like to go by the name of Amy-Lou as it’s far more cool and hip! 😉 I need a name to match my reputation and as I’m known for being the coolest kat (spelt with a ‘K’ for added coolness) around I thought Amy-Lou was rather fitting.

Ok, ok, I’m completely lying! I am far from cool and definitely not hip. Unless having flaky, patchy, bleeding skin and having to constantly apply cream to stop itching and creating what can only be described as a snow storm when anyone walks past, is classed as ‘cool’ then I’d say I’m very much the opposite!

I pride myself on being a geek, being cool is so over-rated these days! 🙂

Why am blogging about my eczema you may be thinking, well, it’s most certainly not to parade my flaws all over the internet for the world to see, it is simply for you guys! For all of you suffering with this agonising disorder, for all of you that have lost your confidence because of the way it’s made you look and feel, for all of you who are at the end of your tether and feel you have no escape from this itchy shadow that controls your life and for those of you who are having to support someone going through this terrible, life changing, mental and physical problem.

I’m hoping to help all you unfortunate people out there by documenting my life experiences and in the process of doing so I am also kind of hoping to help myself get through one of the hardest times of my life. I will be discussing everything from products, clothing, techniques, tips and sharing information that could, in some cases, be life changing.

I’d love to hear all about your experiences and any of those awkwardly humorous moments you may have encountered due to your eczema nightmare. 😀

So if this sounds like your cup of yorkshire tea then click that subscribe button and join me on my journey through ‘Topical Steroid Withdrawal’. You can also catch me on Instagram @cheese_isakindofmeat

Together we can, and we will beat eczema. 🙂


319 thoughts on “About”

  1. I have been suffering from eczema for the last 15years (another skin irregularity of having boils in private areas for last 8years, with no improvement). Though my eczema is mostly gone, i have them on one leg, 2 areas to be precise, I still feel hugely embarassed because its on such an area which shows. And people ask!
    I had kind of lost hope, but now I feel so much motivated after reading your condition.

    Don’t give up. You are going great. God bless you and cure you asap.

    Also, I wanted to say…..You are beautiful 🙂

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